Gather Home Church

We believe in establishing CHURCH in the comfort of your own home, because we believe it’s important to BE (not just go to church).

In a very westernized culture, we have created a model that puts “the church” in the confines of the 4-walls of a building, on a Sunday morning with 1-3 services with a certain music set, children’s ministry, and agenda that needs to be followed.

NONE of that is bad. NONE of it is wrong. It’s just one culture’s interpretation of what church is.

At DREAM: Church, we believe WE are the church.
We believe YOU are the church.

God’s word says, “On this rock, I will build my ekklesia” Matthew 16:18.

Ekklesia, in Christian theology, means a particular body of faithful people, gathering together.

“On the day Pentecost was being fulfilled, all the disciples were gathered in one place…

Gather – come together; assemble; bring together and take in from scattered places or sources

Gather Home Church

GATHER Home Church Groups are designed to bring together the body of Christ in such a way as the original church of Acts.

“They were all filled and equipped with the Holy Spirit and were inspired to speak in tongues…” (Acts 2:4 TPT)

This filling from the Holy Spirit was an inward filling as much as an outward filling, which means they were filled both inwardly for life and outwardly for ministry.

We believe in gathering believers to be inspired by the word of God, equipped with the tools of heaven, and sent out to do the will of our Father. THIS IS OUR MISSION.

We don’t follow an agenda, but we do follow a rhythm. The same rhythm you see in the book of Acts.

Home Church with Us is Simple!

As simple as Ready, Gather, Go


If you are ready to be a part of Matthew 6:10, “His kingdom come, his will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” then join us weekly for the greatest “watch party” you’ve ever seen. LIVE STREAM for revelatory teaching that calls you higher and equips you to walk boldly in the calling God’s given you, from the comfort of your own home.


If you are ready to be a part of Acts 2:1, “On the day Pentecost was being fulfilled, all the disciples were gathered in one place. Suddenly they heard the sound of a violent blast of wind rushing into the house from out of the heavenly realm,” then join us as members of our church and become part of our Global Home Church Network!


If you are ready to be part of Matthew 28:18, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,” then become a Home Church leader with DREAM: Church and be commissioned from your own home as we dream together and share the gospel with the world.

Weekly we:





And make room for SIGNS & WONDERS.

We DISCIPLE (apply) using God’s word,

Developing our SPIRITUAL GIFTS,



All from the comfort of our own homes. Together.

Are you interested in starting a GATHER Group?

  • Do you want to bring people together in your own home?
  • Are you looking for depth in your spiritual growth, deeper devotion in your faith?
  • Do you want to see heaven invade your home?
  • Do you long to see the gap of heaven’s realities and earth’s realities collide?
  • Are you ready to be discipled at a whole new level, from the comfort of your own home?
  • Are you ready to be commissioned?
  • We’ve been waiting for you…
  • JOIN US for our next Discipleship Training! This is our Home Church Leaders Meeting to learn more and start your own home group today!
Gather Home Church
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Discipleship Training is a our Home Church Leaders Meeting that welcomes you into the family of Global DREAM: Church Gather Groups. We meet every month to support you in setting up your home as God’s CHURCH.