“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10


Do you want to be a part of what God is doing GLOBALLY, from the comfort of your own home?!

Join us on Thursday, September 26th at 4:30pm PST / 7:30pm EST for our NEW MEMBERS CLASS as we invite you to take a front row seat in this move of God. At this Meeting, you will learn:

  • The Vision of DREAM: Church & what God is doing GLOBALLY through this ministry,
  • Why online, why home church, why now,
  • What it means to become a member of a global community,
  • How to establish your own HOME as a church,

We’re excited for you to begin the process of DREAMING WITH GOD.

We believe God is preparing the Body of Christ.
We believe He has called you.
We believe the time is now.

Join us Thursday, September 26th at 4:30pm PST / 7:30pm EST to learn more and see how you can get involved.

Please provide your information below to get the full meeting details and calendar invite.
